PDRM’s Jabatan Siasatan dan Penguatkuasaan Trafik (JSPT) is deploying 200 officers to 142 locations deemed as hotspots in KL this Ramadan. According to JSPT Bukit Aman director Datuk Mohd Azman Ahmad Sapri, the police presence is to assist the public and smoothen traffic flow during peak hours.
“I’m advising the public to control their emotions, have patience and don’t take reckless actions when stuck in a jam. JSPT will provide the best service to the public including launching Op Selamat during Hari Raya Aidilfitri later.
“This is to ease the balik kampung process, and with the cooperation of the Jabatan Pencegahan Jenayah dan Keselamatan Komuniti (JPJKK), keep vacant premises and homes safe,” Mohd Azman said when visiting the cops on duty at Jalan Tuanku Abdul Rahman in KL yesterday, reported by Harian Metro.
The JSPT cop reminded motorists to not obstruct traffic by parking indiscriminately. He said that it is estimated that 1.2 million vehicles enter KL on a workday, and 800,000 during the weekends during the fasting month. “JSPT is expecting congestion throughout Ramadan as many are taking the opportunity to return home early with clearance from their employers,” he said.
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