KJ reminds those in Klang Valley to not be lax in SOPs

Now that Selangor, Kuala Lumpur and Putrajaya now moving into Phase 2 of the National Recovery Plan (NRP), residents living in those areas have been coming out of the woodwork. The more relaxed restrictions allow for dine-ins at restaurants and same-state tourism activities, so its understandable that people are coming out of their houses in droves after nearly three months of being cooped up.

However, there’s also the danger that with the high vaccination rates, these people will become complacent and ignore the movement control order protocols that still remain, risking another spike in COVID-19 infections. Newly-appointed health minister Khairy Jamaluddin has thus taken to Facebook to remind Klang Valley residents to remain vigilant and continue to follow guidelines for their own safety.

“It is important for me to remind you that complete vaccination is not an excuse for us to become lax in maintaining public health practices by ourselves such as wearing masks, maintaining physical distancing and frequently washing our hands,” he said. “These actions seem simple but are able to protect us from COVID-19 virus infections.”

Khairy added that based on the monitoring and analysis performed by his ministry, infections in the Klang Valley are on a downward trend, which will help ensure that the NRP runs smoothly and safely. He also reiterated the government’s plan to transition Malaysia to an endemic phase by the end of October, in which the country normalises the virus and keeps it under control.

“To realise the plan, [the government] requires public cooperation to continue to observe standard operating procedures (SOPs) and maintain public health practices by themselves,” the minister said. “My concern is that if this fails to be practiced and adhered to, we will not be able to move to the endemic phase, thus hampering the government’s national recovery efforts.”

Khairy also stressed that the country’s ability to get itself out of the pandemic does not rely solely on government strategies and efforts, with the public also playing a role. “If the public takes lightly the leniency given, it is not impossible for infections to worsen again. As such, I hope that the entire society can take advantage of the flexibility being provided while continuing to adopt the new normal in our daily lives.”

The post KJ reminds those in Klang Valley to not be lax in SOPs appeared first on Paul Tan's Automotive News.

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