Project converting motorcycles to electric in Indonesia

Inline with its recent announcement to prohibit the sales of combustion engined vehicles by 2050, Indonesia plans to convert combustion engined motorcycles to electric. The pilot project has begun with 10 motorcycles undergoing such a conversion, with plans to have 90 units join this initial fleet by November 2021.

Indonesia’s minister of energy Arifin Tasrif said the conversion will be targeted to small and medium-sized businesses. “To create economies of scale, we have to create a market,” said Arifin in reference to a national target of having 13 million electric motorcycles, including conversions, and 2.2 million electric cars on Indonesian roads by 2030.

This drive to reduce pollution and make the ASEAN nation’s transport industry environmental friendly stems from Indonesia being one of the world’s biggest greenhouse gas emitters, contributed in part by the 15 million cars and 112 million motorcycles on the road, reports The Bangkok Post. Indonesia, through state-led initiatives, has ambitious plans for the push towards electrification.

Government strategies include incentives to boost EV adoption and production as well as battery manufacturing, drawing on the country’s abundant natural resource of nickel laterite ore used in lithium batteries. Additionally, four state-owned companies uniting to form national producer Indonesia Battery Corporation (IBC).

The post Project converting motorcycles to electric in Indonesia appeared first on Paul Tan's Automotive News.

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