KLIA Ekspres, Transit to stop operating from June 4

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Express Rail Link (ERL) has announced that its KLIA Ekspres and KLIA Transit trains will stop operating from June 4, which is tomorrow. The city-to-airport trains will remain grounded “until further notice”.

ERL says that the temporary suspension is in view of the total lockdown directive from the government and follows consultations with the transport ministry and the land public transport agency (APAD).

With air travel no longer what it used to be, ERL’s business has become unsustainable. The company explained that more than one year after the first outbreak of Covid-19, there are limited commuters and “virtually no air travellers using the train services”.

ERL’s average daily ridership dropped by 69% in 2020 compared to 2019, which now seems like a previous lifetime. With the start of the total lockdown on June 1, average daily ridership plunged a further 89% compared to 2020 levels. Compared to pre-Covid days, that’s a 97% drop.

“We regret the inconvenience to your travel plans and commuting needs. Please arrange for alternative transportation to your destination during this period,” it added. Click on the image above to see the list of alternative ways to get to the airport, should you need to do so.

The post KLIA Ekspres, Transit to stop operating from June 4 appeared first on Paul Tan's Automotive News.

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